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Rutgers University Has Called New Brunswick Home Since 1766

The primary campus of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey has been in New Brunswick since its founding in 1766.

What began as a small religious school has since grown into a one of the largest research and liberal arts insitutions in the United States, and the official state school of New Jersey.

It is the eighth-oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and consistently ranks among the top public universities nationwide.

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Law Enforcement, Fire Protection, and Emergency Medical Services in New Brunswick

Like in many New Jersey communities, gun violence, alcohol and drug-related incidents, and motor vehicle crashes are serious problems that affect the city on an almost daily basis in New Brunswick.

One murder has been reported so far in 2015.  The year before saw four murders reported, down from a high of eight murders in 2012.

Numerous other crimes continue to plague the city.  Robberies, burglaries, assaults, rapes, and car thefts are among the crimes that are tracked by the NJ State Police on a city-by-city basis.

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The Many Great Restaurants and Bars of New Brunswick

New Brunswick is home to more than 50 licensed bars, taverns, nightclubs, and restaurants that can serve liquor, and an even larger number of establishments without liquor licenses.

As a city that a variety of immigrant groups have called home over its long history, New Brunswick has developed a tremendous diversity of cuisine and dining experiences.


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VIDEO: NBPD Investigating Incident Where Woman Forced to Ground by Three Cops

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—A video posted to the internet on June 10 shows a woman being forced to the ground by three city police officers near the intersection of Easton Avenue and Condict Street.

Police on the scene told bystanders to "Get back, I don't want to knock you over," as the woman was taken down by officers and arrested.

Members of the crowd shouted "Assault on a black woman," and "Look at what he did," as the woman was being held down by officers on the sidewalk.

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Five Candidates Vying For Vacant Seat on City School Board

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–Five candidates have submitted letters saying they want to serve on the city's school board, leaving the other members of the board with a wide variety of choices as they attempt to replace a member who resigned.

Longtime Board of Education (BOE) member and Rutgers Chemistry professor John Krenos told New Brunswick Today he resigned for "personal reasons," with just under a year left in his three-year term.

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Rutgers Continuing to Pay Cop Charged With $30K Theft From Union

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Though Rutgers University's public relations officials refuse to admit it, records show that a university police officer charged with stealing $30,000 from her union remains on the school payroll.

As we reported, Grace Stewart was charged with one count of third-degree theft for stealing $30,000 over a three-month period.  At the time, we reported that a source told us Stewart had been suspended without pay since March, whe she first came under investigation.

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State Evaluations Find 97% of Teachers Are Performing “Effectively”

TRENTON, NJ—A new teacher evaluation system for New Jersey put into place during the 2013-2014 academic year found that 97% of teachers were performing as "effective" or better.

The new set of standards are part of the State Education Department's implementation of a tenure reform law passed in 2012 that "defines certain requirements and structures for the new evaluation system in New Jersey."