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Theatre Review: The House of Yes is a Success in Edison

EDISON, NJ—There are some wonderfully written stage-works that, for some reason, even after they become films, remain under the theatrical radar.  Wendy Macleod’s ‘House of Yes’ is one of them.

Productions of The House of Yes remain far and few between.

It's Thanksgiving, some thirty years after the JFK assassination in the Pascal’s McLean, Virginia home, located around the corner from the Kennedy estate.

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Persona herida por disparos entre las calles Talmadge y Lee

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—  Policía de la ciudad están investigando un tiroteo que se informó poco después de 20:00 el miércoles 3 de junio cerca de la intersección de Lee Avenue y la calle Talmadge en el segundo distrito.

Una mujer resultó herida de bala, según un alerta de noticias. Sin embargo, las transmisiones de radio de la policía describieron un "hombre caído."

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Ex-Cop Leaves Parking Authority Board to Take Civilian Job at NBPD

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—A close ally of Mayor James Cahill and Police Director Anthony Caputo is working at the NBPD for the second time in his career, after more than ten years on the Trenton Police force.

Anthony Barber has apparently left his spot on the powerful, five-member New Brunswick Parking Authority (NBPA) Board of Commissioners in order to take a civilian job with the New Brunswick Police Department (NBPD).

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Hidden Grounds: The Not-So-Hidden Coffee Destination in Brunswick

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—“Hidden Grounds Coffee Shop is always evolving,” the shop's co-owner Anand Patel told New Brunswick Today.

“We will always try our best to offer something new and exciting,” said the entrepreneur who has been successful in his first two years in business, and now wants to expand.

What started as a small basement storefront at 106 Easton Avenue is now expanding and evolving into a local favorite spot for meeting friends, hosting events, and enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.