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Aspiring Writers Collaborate in Hub City Screenwriting Group

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—In late 2014, several Rutgers alumni and other community members collaborated to create an ongoing forum for aspiring New Jersey writers.

These students created a group called New Jersey Screenwriters with the mission to provide formal tools to both established and aspiring screenwriters alike, while also fostering a sense of community and mutual learning that engenders friendship, fellowship and the potential to create marketable products.

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Scarlet KIDS Summer Camp Registration Open at Rutgers

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–Registration for the Scarlet KIDS Summer Camp 2015 is now open for children in grades first through eighth.

The co-ed recreational program was previously called "Happy Campers." 

The camp is divided by age groups in "Junior," "Senior," and "Tweens and Teens" categories. Placement is determined by the grade the child will enter next fall. 

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Governor Christie Shifts Focus to New Hampsire in Quest For Presidency

CONCORD, NH – New Jersey Governor Chris Christie traveled to New Hampshire for a day-long tour on February 16.

The Republican Governor announced the formation of a political action committee for his 2016 presidential bid, Leadership Matters for America, on January 26.

The day-long tour to New Hampshire featured a roundtable with New Hampshire business leaders, a roundtable with New Hampshire state senators, and a visit to the Concord & Merrimack County GOP 3rd Annual Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner.

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Rutgers Student Stabbed in Sixth Ward After Off-campus Party

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—City police are investigating a stabbing that reportedly occurred on Morrell Street between Wyckoff and Sicard Streets in the Sixth Ward, according to a Rutgers University crime alert.

According to the alert, the incident took place at approximately 4:30am on February 14.

The Rutgers student victim was "approached by three males following a verbal altercation which took place during a party at an off campus residence," according to the alert.

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City Reviewing Bids to Address Flooding Problem on Joyce Kilmer Avenue

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—City officials are preparing to select a company to to replace the sewer infrastructure on Joyce Kilmer Avenue near the intersection of Charles Street.

The flooding has been a persistent problem since at least 2008, when the county and city re-designed a culvert over a stream at that intersection.

"Whatever they did to Joyce Kilmer in the last procedure they performed… has made the problem worse," Danielle Moore told the City Council in 2012.