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New Brunswick Protests in Response to Staten Island Grand Jury Decision Not to Indict NYPD Officer

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—For the second time in as many weeks, the New Brunswick and Rutgers community will protest in response to a grand jury’s decision not to indict a police officer for the killing of an unarmed citizen.

New York resident Eric Garner was choked to death by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, in a disturbing incident that was caught on tape this summer and sparked massive protests.

Garner's crime?  Selling loose cigarettes on a street corner in Staten Island.

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Detectives Say Missing Girl From Franklin May Be in New Brunswick

FRANKLIN, NJ—Nearly a month after 17-year-old-Franklin resident Myriam Rodriguez went missing, the Franklin Township Police Department is now asking for the public’s help in finding her.

A Nixle alert was released by the Township at 2:18pm on December 3, along with a press release from the Franklin Township Police Department.

"An investigation conducted by detectives indicates that Myriam ran away and is possibly in the New Brunswick area," read the statements.

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SesiĂłn de informaciĂłn sobre la acciĂłn de Obama de inmigraciĂłn en la escuela Lord Stirling

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Esta noche, el 4 de diciembre, Caridades Católicas (Catholic Charities) presentará otra sesión de información detallando la orden ejecutiva de el Presidente Obama de inmigración.

Comenzando a las 7pm el la escuela Lord Stirling (101 Redmond St), abogados con organizaciones católicas explicarán en detalle la Acción Defirida para Padres (Deffered Action for Parents, DAP) de ciudadanos americanos o residentes legales permanentes.

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Immigration Info Session For Spanish Speakers at Lord Stirling School

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—On December 4, Catholic Charities is hosting another Spanish-language information session detailing the ramifications of a recent executive order on immigration signed by President Barack Obama.

Tonight, at 7pm, in the auditorium of the Lord Stirling Elementary School at 101 Redmond Street at 7pm, lawyers will explain in detail the country's new policies of Deferred Action for Parents (DAP) of U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.

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Prosecutor Quickly Clears NBPD in Mysterious Death of 35-Year-Old Man From Ward Street

NEW BRUNSWICK—A 35-year-old man from Ward Street died  on November 21 after being physically restrained by his family and city police officers, while going through what authorities described as “emotional distress.”

Just over seventeen hours after Saiseram Somwar's death, the office of Middlesex Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey released a statement saying their investigation "determined police acted properly during their response to the family emergency."

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Helmetta Business Administrator Resigns Amid Animal Shelter Controversy

HELMETTA, NJ—Herbert Massa, the administrator for the Borough of Helmetta, submitted his resignation for approval at a November 26 Borough Council meeting.

Massa's resignation is the latest in a series of resignations and suspensions that come amid a storm of allegations against the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter, a facility that the town borrowed nearly $2 million to construct.