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Christie Judge Nominee Stripped of Pension by Fraud & Abuse Unit

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Benjamin S. Bucca, a New Brunswick Democrat, was recently nominated by Republican Governor Christopher J. Christie to be a Superior Court judge, despite a pattern of not recognizing when he has a conflict of interest.

If approved by the State Senate Judiciary Committee, and the full State Senate, Bucca would go from being a local land use lawyer who just lost most of his public pension, to securing a seven-year term for the $165,000 per year judge job.

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Saber es poder: Derechos de los Inquilinos

Propietarios e inquilinos tienen derechos y responsabilidades a la hora de alquilar un apartamento o casa. Siga a esta guía, presentada a usted gracias a PRAB, Unity Square, el Proyecto Esperanza Neighborhood y New Labor, para saber qué hacer antes, durante, y después de rentar una residencia.

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Mujer Murió Tras Ser Golpeada al Cruzar la Ruta 1 en South Brunswick

SOUTH BRUNSWICK, NJ— La Policía local utilizó su sistema de alerta de emergencia Nixle para informar al público de un fatal accidente ocurrido en la Ruta 1, la noche del 16 de junio.

"El Fiscal del Condado Middlesex Andrew C. Carey y el jefe Raymond Hayducka del Departamento de Policía de South Brunswick [SBPD] dijeron que una mujer del Condado de Middlesex fue golpeada por un vehículo en la Ruta 1 y murió la noche del jueves," leía el comunicado enviado al público por el SBDP.

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Public Hearing on Redevelopment of Vacant Ferren Mall Site

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—On July 12, the city's Planning Board is set to hear a presentation on the government's plans to redevelop the Ferren Mall and parking garage, which currently occupies two of the prime blocks of real estate in the Hub City's downtown.

The meeting will be held at 7:30pm on the top floor of City Hall in New Brunswick, and members of the public will have an opportunity to ask questions or make comments.