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PolicĂ­as de Woodbridge Acusados por Encubrimiento de un Accidente

WOODBRIDGE, NJ-El 6 de mayo, un jurado investigador ubicado en New Brunswick acusó a tres agentes del Departamento de Policía de Woodbridge por encubrir la verdad acerca de un accidente de vehículo causado por el agente Brian Joseph, uno de los tres agentes a ser procesados.

De acuerdo con la Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Middlesex, dos oficiales trataron de encubrir el accidente sin éxito, por "no haber presentado un informe y cambiar los registros informáticos que habían documentado el accidente."

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Abogado Acusado de Culpar a un Detective de la FiscalĂ­a del Condado de Middlesex En Un Accidente En Sayreville

NEW BRUNSWICK NJ– La personas presentan falsos testimonios ante la policía todos los días, pero rara vez son enjuiciados por ellos.

Aunque las autoridades a menudo tienen que investigar falsas declaraciones de testigos, sospechosos y supuestas víctimas –a veces causando daño a personas inocentes que son cuestionadas, reciben cargos y en algunos casos encarcelados– existe un factor que es casi seguro que resulte en consecuencias penales: es cuando una persona miente sobre un oficial de la policía.

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Two City Sanitation Workers Charged With Theft by Extortion

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Two city employees were arrested on charges of "theft by extortion" on the morning of July 19, according to a press release from the New Brunswick Police Department (NBPD).

Tyrone Brown, age 46, and Traquan Newsom, age 31, have been suspended from their jobs as sanitation workers within the city's Department of Public Works, according to the release.

In a bizarre incident on July 18, the two men allegedly stole three bottles of water from the Gaby's Bakery location on Joyce Kilmer Avenue at about 9:10am.

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Rutgers Exhibit Examines Complex History of Voting Rights in America

PISCATAWAY, NJ—Exploring the tortuous history of voting rights in America is at the forefront of a new exhibit at Rutgers University's Kilmer Library: “The Elusiveness of Progress: Voting Rights in America.”

With the 2016 presidential election in full swing, the exhibit seeks to hark back to August 6, 1965 – when the Voting Rights Act was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson.

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Fugitive From Franklin Faces Charges of Sexual Assaults on Two Children

FRANKLIN, NJ—A Franklin Township man is wanted by local police and the Somerset County Prosecutor’s office on charges of sexually assaulting two children.

Daniel Serrano-Urbina, a resident of Somerset Street in the Somerset section of Franklin, is facing multiple charges including two counts of 1st-degree Aggravated Sexual Assault, two counts of 2nd-degree Sexual Assault, and two counts of 3rd-degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child.