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Review: Powerful Performances of Hair at Villagers Theatre

FRANKLIN, NJ—"Hair," the American Tribal Love Rock Musical, is nearing its fiftieth anniversary, and in that time it has run the gauntlet from shocking and controversial, to mainstream and accepted, and into its current and well-deserved status as a classic period piece.

Credit must be given to the playwrights and composers for not updating or contemporizing it in the ongoing performances at Franklin's Villagers Theatre, as so many other writers have done trying to “Keep their stage works relevant”.

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Police Announce Arrests, But Assaults and Robberies Continue to Affect Neighborhood Near Rutgers

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—New Brunswick City Hall announced the arrest of a juvenile for a robbery in downtown on Friday, saying it was connected to previous incidents.

"During the investigation, the suspect was found by police to be in possession of property taken from victims in two separate robbery incidents reported over the past month," read a press release issued by city spokesperson Jennifer Bradshaw, rather than the city's police department.

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Safety Scores Drop For Both Hub City Hospitals

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) and Saint Peter’s University Hospital (SPUH) both declined in ratings on their hospital safety report cards issued this fall.

The Hospital Safety Score, provided as a public service by a national no-nprofit organization, is becoming an important measure of patient safety according to recent articles in The New York Times, and AARP Magazine.

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Mock Funeral Procession Protests Lack of Communication with Rutgers President Bob Barchi

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–Late Friday morning, students and faculty gathered outside the College Ave Student Center with coffins and costumes to hold a mock funeral procession down College Ave.

The funeral was organized by the Students for Shared Governance coalition and the Reclaim Rutgers campaign to symbolize the loss of faculty, student, and staff rights at the univeristy.

On one coffin, it said "RIP Student Voices," and on the other was written "RIP Fair Contracts." In respect for the funeral, protestors wore all black.

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Inspired by Struggle of Columbia Student, Rutgers Community Carries The Weight of Violence Survivors

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—In an international show of support of those who have suffered or continue to suffer from sexual abuse and domestic violence, Rutgers students, as well as faculty, staff, friends, and colleagues joined together for a day-long event on October 29 dubbed "Carry the Weight."

It all started when a Columbia University art student, Emma Sulkowicz, decided to carry her own dormitory mattress whenever she was on campus as part of her senior thesis.