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Starbucks to Start Donating Leftover Prepared Meals to Food Banks

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–Hub City Starbucks will donate its leftover, surplus, ready-to-eat meals to food banks instead of throwing it in the trash.

In fact, all the 154 company-operated Starbucks in the Garden State may do the same, according to a recent news release announcing “FoodShare,” a program intended to both stop wasting food, and offer meals to individuals and families in need of nourishing food.

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Margaret Cho Comedy Show Sparks Controversy in New Brunswick

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—On Saturday, March 26, Margaret Cho performed a set at New Brunswick’s Stress Factory Comedy Club that received loud boos, equally loud cheers, and sparked a fight.

She began the night in an unusual way, with a frank discussion of her experiences as a survivor of rape.

The set then segued into several other serious topics, such as white privilege, racism, and the recent death of Cho’s friend, comedian Garry Shandling.