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Saint Peter’s Hospital Provides New Hospice Care Program

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—Saint Peter’s University Hospital (SPUH) has recently made an agreement with a new provider for adult hospice care.

Officially effective in the beginning of March, Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of New Jersey began accepting referrals of patients who are eligible for inpatient and outpatient hospice services.

Hospice care is tailored to patients with terminal illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, end-stage kidney disease and lung disease.

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Rutgers Appoints Physicist From University of Arkansas as Inaugural Claude Lovelace Endowed Chair

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ–The Board of Governors at Rutgers University recently announced the appointment of the inaugural holder of the Professor Claud Lovelace Endowed Chair in Experimental Physics to Jak Chakhalian, a University of Arkansas Physicist.

Starting September 1, Chakhalian begins his five-year term at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, during which he will teach and partake in public services while simultaneously working in a high level of research.

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Board Approves Expansion of Johnson & Johnson Riverview Guest House

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—In the city's northwestern corner, by the Delaware and Raritan Canal, there is a hidden and very private treasure, owned by New Brunswick's own Fortune 500 company, Johnson & Johnson.

It is called the Riverview Guest House, not to be confused with the Henry Guest House, which is next to New Brunswick's library in the Fourth Ward.

This house will be soon be sprouting a one-story boardroom, after  proposal which was unanimously approved by the city's Zoning Board of Adjustment on December 21.

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Ordenanza de Robo de Salarios Produce Resultados Para Trabajadores Privados de sus Derechos

NEW BRUNSWICK NJ– Ex empleados de varios restaurantes en New Brunswick a quienes sus antiguos empleadores debían dinero, han encontrado en la ordenanza contra robo de salarios, que fue aprobada en 2014, un instrumento útil para finalmente obtener el dinero que se les debía.

El 18 de Noviembre de 2015, una caravana de manifestantes paró en el restaurante dominicano ‘La Cabañita’ ubicado en la calle Elizabeth, un establecimiento que debía a los trabajadores un total de $11,599 en salarios.

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School Security Director Away on Vacation as Guards Come Under Fire

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—As security in the city's school system comes under increased scrutiny in the wake of a highly-publicized violent attack inside New Brunswick High School (NBHS), one official has been conspicuously absent from the discussion.

School district officials, and the public relations company they hired, have refused to disclose even the salary of Peter Managarella, who has served as the "Director of School Security" since September 2011.